def get_hist_mt(t1, t2, llat = '-90', ulat = '90', llon = '-180', ulon = '180',
lmw = 0, umw = 10, evla = None, evlo = None, step = 2.0, list_ = '6'):
Function to query the GCMT and save the data for ploting. If evla and
evlo are provided, it will use this location as the center and adding
step to both latitude and longitude for the box.
t1 - starttime, example: UTCDateTime("1979-01-01")
t2 - endtime, example: UTCDateTime("2016-01-01")
llat - lower latitude
ulat - upper latitude
llon - left longitude
ulon - right longitude
lmw - the minimum magnitude to search
umw - the maximum magnitude to search
evla - latitude of the current earthquake
evlo - longitude of the current earthquake
step - from current earthquake location, expand lat/lon for a box
list_ - format of data you want to return from the GCMT
yr = t1.year
mo = t1.month
day =
oyr = t2.year
omo = t2.month
oday =
mat = {}
locs = locals()
base_url = ''
#note here, we must use the ordered Dictionary, so that the order in the
#url is exactly the same order
param = OrderedDict()
param['itype'] = 'ymd'
param['yr'] = yr
param['mo'] = mo
param['day'] = day
param['otype'] = 'ymd'
param['oyr'] = oyr
param['omo'] = omo
param['oday'] = oday
param['jyr'] = '1976'
param['jday'] = '1'
param['ojyr'] = '1976'
param['ojday'] = '1'
param['nday'] = '1'
param['lmw'] = str(lmw)
param['umw'] = str(umw)
param['lms'] = '0'
param['ums'] = '10'
param['lmb'] = '0'
param['umb'] = '10'
# now specify the region box
if evla and evlo is not None:
llat = evla - step
ulat = evla + step
llon = evlo - step
ulon = evlo + step
# save parameter for query
param['llat'] = llat
param['ulat'] = ulat
param['llon'] = llon
param['ulon'] = ulon
param['lhd'] = '0'
param['uhd'] = '1000'
param['lts'] = '-9999'
param['uts'] = '9999'
param['lpe1'] = '0'
param['upe1'] = '90'
param['lpe2'] = '0'
param['upe2'] = '90'
param['list'] = list_
# build the URL
url = "?".join((base_url, urllib.urlencode(param)))
print url
# grab data and parse it
page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
parsed_html = BeautifulSoup(page)
mecs_str = parsed_html.findAll('pre')[1].text.split('\n')
# string to array
def convertString(mecs_str):
return map(float, mecs_str.split()[:9])
psmeca = np.array(map(convertString, mecs_str))
# save the results for plotting
mat['psmeca'] = psmeca
mat['url'] = url
mat['range'] = (llat, ulat, llon, ulon)
mat['evloc'] = (evla, evlo)
return mat
def plot_hist_mt(psmeca_dict, figsize = (16,24), mt_size = 10, \
pretty = False, resolution='l'):
Plot the historical moment tensor from the query of GCMT
psmeca_dict - dictionary that returned from get_hist_mt function
figsize - tuple of the size of the figure
mt_size - size of the moment tensor on the plot
pretty - boolean, whether want to plot nice maps
resolution - low or high as you want
if psmeca_dict['psmeca'] != []:
psmeca = psmeca_dict['psmeca']
#get the latitudes, longitudes, and the 6 independent component
lats = psmeca[:,1]
lons = psmeca[:,0]
focmecs = psmeca[:,3:9]
depths = psmeca[:,2]
(llat, ulat, llon, ulon) = psmeca_dict['range']
evla = psmeca_dict['evloc'][0]
evlo = psmeca_dict['evloc'][1]
m = Basemap(projection='cyl', lon_0=142.36929, lat_0=38.3215,
if pretty:
llat = float(llat)
ulat = float(ulat)
llon = float(llon)
ulon = float(ulon)
m.drawparallels(np.arange(llat, ulat, (ulat - llat) / 4.0), \
m.drawmeridians(np.arange(llon, ulon, (ulon - llon) / 4.0), \
ax = plt.gca()
x, y = m(lons, lats)
for i in range(len(focmecs)):
if depths[i] <= 50:
color = '#FFA500'
elif depths[i] > 50 and depths [i] <= 100:
color = 'g'
elif depths[i] > 100 and depths [i] <= 200:
color = 'b'
color = 'r'
index = np.where(focmecs[i] == 0)[0]
#note here, if the mrr is zero, then you will have an error
#so, change this to a very small number
if focmecs[i][0] == 0:
focmecs[i][0] = 0.001
b = beach(focmecs[i], xy=(x[i], y[i]),width=mt_size, \
linewidth=1, facecolor=color)
# add the current earthquake
x_0, y_0 = m(evlo, evla)
m.plot(x_0, y_0, 'r*', markersize=25, zorder = 10)
# add the legend
circ1 = Line2D([0], [0], linestyle="none", \
marker="o", alpha=0.6, markersize=10, markerfacecolor="#FFA500")
circ2 = Line2D([0], [0], linestyle="none", \
marker="o", alpha=0.6, markersize=10, markerfacecolor="g")
circ3 = Line2D([0], [0], linestyle="none", \
marker="o", alpha=0.6, markersize=10, markerfacecolor="b")
circ4 = Line2D([0], [0], linestyle="none", \
marker="o", alpha=0.6, markersize=10, markerfacecolor="r")
plt.legend((circ1, circ2, circ3, circ4), \
("depth $\leq$ 50 km", "50 km $<$ depth $\leq$ 100 km", \
"100 km $<$ depth $\leq$ 200 km", "200 km $<$ depth"), \
numpoints=1, loc=3)
print 'No historical MT found!'