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Monday, December 29, 2014

Bayesian Analysis - Different priors

In the previous post, I showed using python to do simulation of coin tossing, and plot the evolution of the posterior pdf changing as the number of tosses increasing (example is grabbed from the book Data analysis).  I used uniform distribution as the prior last time to represent we don't have much idea of the fairness of the coin. In this post, I will use different priors that used in the book to generate the following figure.
The effect of different priors. The blue solid line is the uniform prior we used in the last post, and the red dashed line is beta distribution with alpha and beta taking a value of 0.5, and the green dotted line is also beta distribution with alpha and beta 100. The case for two alternative priors, reflecting slightly different assumptions in the conditioning information I. The 3 numbers on the bottom right are number of heads, number of tails, and total number of tosses. For comparison purpose, I scaled them vertically, so that the maximum value is 1.

The figure above shows 3 different priors, with the red and green lines are beta distribution with different parameters. (The beta distribution is the conjugate prior to the binomial distribution, so it will make the compute easier, as the posterior will also be a beta distribution).

We can see the 3 posterior pdfs are quit different initially, and then gradually converge to the same answer. This makes sense, as when we have few data, our initial beliefs have a large effect on the posterior pdfs. With more and more data comes in, the posterior is then dominated by the likelihood function, and becomes irrelevant of the prior we chose. Also, we can see the blue and red curves are converging very fast, and it takes much more observed data for the green curve to shift to the same result. The reason lies the prior we chose. We can see from the first subplot, the green curve has a relative narrow peak around 0.5, this means that we have a strong belief that the coin is a fair coin, so it need much more observations to change our belief. That is why it takes much longer for the green curve to move to the true answer.

You can download the python script from my github: Qingkai's github

An example of Bayesian Analysis with python

I am now reading Data analysis a bayesian tutorial, in chapter2, the single parameter estimation, it starts with a simple coin-tossing example to illustrate the idea of Bayesian analysis. I am going to use python to reproduce the figure in this example. I won't go into the details of this example, but will just describe it in a brief manner. You can always check out the book of this example (it is a nice example!). Here I will just show the python script I wrote to do the simulation, and generate a figure like the one used on page 16 in the book.

Brief description of the example: is this a fair coin?
If you toss a coin N times, and got H times heads and T times tails, how do you know if this is a fair coin or a bias coin? How certain you are about your conclusion?

We use Bayesian analysis to answer this question, which formulated as follows:

The left hand is posterior, that is, the probability of the parameter H given the data we observed and the background information we already known. H is the probability of getting heads. The right hand are the likelihood and prior individually. The likelihood is a measure of the chance that we would have obtained the data that we actually observed, if the value of the H was given. The prior represents what we know about the coin given only the information I. Because we don't have an idea of the fairness of the coin, we just set the prior to be a uniform distribution. And if we assume that the flips of the coin were independent events, so that the outcome of one did not influence that of another, then the likelihood probability can be modeled by using a binomial distribution. The likelihood function is showing below, and R is the number of cases that we got heads.

Therefore, if we do the tossing multiple times, and plot the posterior vs the parameter we want to estimate, H. Then we can see the following figures as the results. The total number of tosses in each figure is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 times.

This figure is easy to interpret, the x-axis is the parameter we want to estimate H, that is the probability of getting heads. And the y-axis shows us the posterior probability. What we want to see is a narrow peak at a certain value of x, that is our best estimation, and the width of the peak represents the uncertainty of our estimation. Two extreme values are H = 0, and H = 1. If H = 0, this means that the probability of getting head is 0, that is the coin has two tails in both sides. H = 1 is the opposite way, that we have two heads at both sides. The value between 0 and 1 is telling us the fairness of the coin. We can see from the following evolution as the number of tosses increase.  When N = 0, because there's no data, so it is 1 everywhere, this means that we have no idea which x is the best estimation, so they have a equal weight. Then when N = 1, we get a head, we can see that we have a line goes for H = 0 and rises linearly to having the largest value at H =1. Although H = 1 is our best estimate, the posterior pdf indicates that this value is not much more probable than many others. The only thing we can say is that the coin is not double-tailed. When N = 2, we get another head, the posterior pdf becomes slightly more peaked towards H = 1. N = 3, we observe a first tail, this drag the posterior to the H = 0 side, now we can see the pdf at H = 1 drops to 0, saying that double-headed is not possible. And when more and more observations available, we starting to see the posterior pdf becomes narrower and narrower and peaked at 0.25. This means that we are  more and more confident in our estimation.

These figures show the evolution of the posterior pdf for the probability of getting heads of a coin on x-axis, and prob(H|{data}, I)  on y-axis, as the number of data available increases. The 3 numbers on the right bottom is number of heads, number of tails, and total number of the tosses. 

This example illustrate the basics of the Bayesian analysis, and from here, what you want to do is based on the data we observed, we want to find the best H value that maximize the posterior pdf, this is actually the idea of MAP.

In the next post, we will try two alternate prior, and see how they will affect the result.

You can download the python script from my github: Qingkai's github